Flywoodpaper's art dump
Flywoodpaper's art dump
Flywoodpaper's art dump

Welcome to the Webbed Site of Flywoodpaper, Fly for short.
Click the icons on the left to check out my "artworks".
Enjoy!!! or don't!


Site Updates

🐝 16/07/2024 🐝
My handmade accessories now have their own page rather than being lumped into miniatures.
Accessories page now has it's own icon in the sidebar.
Also, should update most pages with more of my stuff new and old that I haven't uploaded onto here yet!

🐝 12/06/2024 🐝
A thank-you post for everyone who came over and supported us at Komiket Pride!
It was a lot of fun and a special thank you to everyone who got a watermelon necklace for our Gaza funds donation!
Pride 2024

🐝 24/03/2024 🐝
New sculpture on Art Page!

🐝 31/01/2024 🐝
Happy New Year! I'm not dead quite yet!

🐝 20/07/2023 🐝
Miniatures page updated with new Accessories.

🐝 18/07/2023 🐝

🐝 28/05/2023 🐝

My seasonal flowers & bugs designs all together! It's the middle of the year. Wild. Time really waits for no man.

🐝 3/03/2023 🐝

It's 3/3/23 y'all, not the coolest date ever but pretty dang fun to say. Komiket is also tommorrow at SM mega and it'll be the first con of a pretty booked year for me and mine @ bumblebeast collective.
Some accessories I'll be selling at the event, gonna work on more and more of them as the year goes on.

🐝 24/02/2023 🐝

Happy 2023!!! wow, did not mean to neglect the site for so long but really its a toss up when your brain is powered by a rat running a hamster wheel and the rat also has ADHD. Now time to relearn how HTML works for the umpteenth time....
Lots been going on though, sorta. I'm learning how to do laser cutting and laser etching. Its fun and opens up a lot of cool design ideas. Horribly smelly fumes though, but not everybody can buy a fancy pants exhaust fan.

🐝 31/10/2022 🐝

Happy Halloween! Been thinking about it and maybe cataloging or writing down thoughts really is a good way to keep up with art and self-improvement. So I might as well make a lil list of some things I need to add to this site to make it a little better.

🐝 30/10/2022 🐝

Been a hot minute since the last update but a big thank you to everyone who came by October Komiket 2022!

🐝 18/08/2022 🐝
Contact me at, or @flywoodpaper on Twitter, Payments to my email address on paypal or through my kofi page
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-Added some stuff to miscelleny page

🐝 31/07/2022 🐝

Added a few more images to my art page.

🐝 30/07/2022 🐝

Comics page now updated!!! there's actually comics there!!! hot damn check it out here!!!.

🐝 29/07/2022 🐝

Added some stuff to Art page, thinking about how to make it decent or at least not a loading nightmare lmao.

🐝 23/07/2022 🐝

Website construction under way!!!