
Well I've gone and let this site get dusty again for uhhh 4 months? not so bad in all honestly but not great either. I always let this site get away from me and forget how any of my formatting is supposed to work so it's really for the best I've kept all this html shit at basic baby level. No use going above your mental or emotional paygrade
Judging by the last entry I left here things are about the same. I think I just don't like anything I make anymore, and I don't make anything I like because I don't really like anything. It's a non-dillemma that feeds itself like the perfect pet for a 5 year old or something. I was trying to make a batch of charms but I hated all of them to the point where I cut them all in half and tossed them in my scrap box. It's a shameful waste of clay but there isn't much to do with decorative items when you can no longer stand to look at them